Reservoir Dogs-links with resume capability
19:24I talk Pulp Fiction a ton, because I love it, but Reservoir Dogs is the movie that put Quentin Tarantino on the map. This one has everything you can ask for, witty banter on the topic of tipping, psychotic dudes dancing to crappy 70's music and cutting off peoples ears with a straight razor...As well as some pretty damn good acting from Tim Roth, and Harvey Keitel. The whole movie is about a heist that goes wrong, and how the survivors meet up at the rendevous and try to figure out who tipped off the police. The thing I love most about this movie, is the fact that it was shot in the same setting for most of the film. kept my attention. There were no explosions, or Wookies...This was one of the movies that made me realize that I actually liked good films - Well and bad ones, but I knew the difference! Oh there is a scene where they are all getting codes names...brilliant!
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