VistaGlazz 2.0
20:05This is app is extremely simple, but performs an essential and possibly complicated task for Windows Vista customizers. It patches several DLLs that control Vista's appearance so that users can alter Vista to their liking. It's also freeware, making it a viable workaround for those who want to tweak Vista but don't want to pay for it. It also changes Aero so that it stays in effect on maximized screens.
There's not much else to the program. It absolutely will not work with Vista Service Pack 1 Release Candidates. If you install Vista Glazz before removing the SP1 RC, simply uninstall the app and then SP1, and then reinstall the program. The interface is basic, there are no skins provided, and the EULA gives off the vague stench of unfounded fear.
Nevertheless, if you're looking for a simple solution to a potential nightmare, Vista Glazz may be the first step you'll need to take to pretty up Vista just the way you want.
Publisher's description
From Tapinder :VistaGlazz alters a few key system files to prevent this behavior, allowing you to keep the transparency enabled while having your windows maximized. A nice side effect to this is that by patching your system files, you are able to use 3rd party themes and styles to fully customize your Windows look and feel. Some people prefer to stick with Windows XP SP3 or took it one step further than Vista and are now using Windows 7. VistaGlazz accomodates both these systems as well, allowing you to customize and enrich your Windows experience.